WHS Current Events

22-23 WHS Locker Fees
Student locker fees now available online! Click for details!
Tue Jul 12 10:26 AM

22-23 WHS Parking Fees
If a student wishes to purchase a parking tag for the 2022-2023 school year please click for details!
Tue Jul 12 09:39 AM
2024-2025 Supply Lists
Parent/Teacher Conference Scheduler
2024-2025 WHS Student Handbook
WHS Library Catalog
Work Based Learning - Komat'su
2024-2025 Attendance Policy
Dress Code Policy 2024-2025
Visitor's Code of Conduct

Outstanding Alumnus Application
Student Flu Shot Information and Application
The vision of Whitwell High School is to present each student with a variety of curricula that promotes higher-level thinking. The curriculum will meet all the needs of each student from cognitive to physical so that students are readied to make informed and realistic decisions and positively contribute to society..